9 sep 2023

Marco van den Berg Scholten signeert 'In Search of Achilles' (07/10)

Op zaterdag 7 oktober is voormalig basketbalcoach Marco van den Berg Scholten - coach van onder andere Donar en het Nederlands team - bij Godert Walter te gast om zijn Engelstalige roman In Search of Achilles te signeren. De signeersessie vindt plaats van 15 - 17 uur en er is alle gelegenheid om met hem om over het boek te praten maar uiteraard ook om herinneringen op te halen aan zijn tijd als coach van basketbalvereniging Donar.

Klik hier voor een interview met RTV Noord.

On Saturday, October 7 (with reservation), former basketball coach Marco van den Berg Scholten - coach of Donar and the Dutch team, among others - will be Godert Walter's guest to sign his English-language novel 'In Search of Achilles'. The signing session will take place from 3 - 5 pm and there will be ample opportunity to talk to him about his book, and of course to reminisce about his time as coach of basketball club Donar.

The book
Summer 1990. The Berlin Wall has fallen. In Europe, Communism has called for the priest to say the last rites. Outside in the streets and on the Plazas the energy is bubbling over from the blind euphoria and the intoxication of victory. Capitalism has come out of the systems war as the ultimate winner.
Society is about to spiral upward toward more prosperity and freedom for all.The free market provides the lone left blueprint for a life of purpose. 
But does it. . .? As the sun of plenty shines brighter the shadows grow darker. And while his
professors teach post-modernist dogmas, Johan van Geesteren, a young aristocrat on the threshold of society is searching for meaning. Where have all the virtues gone? What has happened to dignity and restraint?Where are the good people?The speed and dominance with which ‘the New Religion’ is encroaching on the public space makes him feel threatened. Instinctively he withdraws. But can he reach out to his friends? Is there still space for Old World values? When his friends embark on a dangerous roller coaster, Johan is forced into their stream of destruction, and he needs all the discipline from his upbringing to remain standing.Will he be able to hold on to his ideals? Is there any truth left out there? Or is the enlightenment project of the Occident, like a modern-day Rome, about to burn to ashes?

Marco van den Berg Scholten
Marco van den Berg Scholten is the former head coach of the Dutch national basketball team. He was a professional basketball coach in the Netherlands and Germany as well asin European Cup leagues from 1988 until 2021. He is a multiple-championship winner and the first Dutch basketball coach to work in Germany’s highest league, the Bundesliga. He studied journalism and history at the university of his hometown of Groningen and has always been a writer. 
He previously published No Prima Donnas, a textbook on his coaching philosophy, and written numerous columns in national newspapers and media outlets. In Search of Achilles is his debut novel.

Datum: zaterdag 7 oktober 2023
Plaats: Godert Walter, Oude Ebbingestraat 53
Aanvang: 15.00 uur

Marco van den Berg Scholten in 'Nachtgespräch'(deutschsprachig)

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